Thursday, November 3, 2011

Onwards and Upwards!

Hey, everyone!

It's been a pretty wild year here at the ESC Insider.  As my loyal readers know, I've been working hard to share with you all my unique viewpoint on Eurovision past and present, all with a staff of one and a budget of nil.  My first trip (really, for me, a pilgrimage) to a live Contest, getting to hang out in the Press Centre and meet the artists personally...well, life doesn't get much better than that.  I hope you've been enjoying what I've been sending your way for these past two years, and I hope to keep it up for you all for a long time to come.

The ESC Insider isn't going to disappear anytime soon, but 2012 will be a year of change for me, and for this site, as well.  I'm currently doing a bit of jiggery-pokery on my web presence, and that means I'll probably be migrating to the official domain within the next month or so.  (No worries, though, as all the content that I've worked on here should come with me!)  I'm not an expert in web design, so please bear with me as I make the Insider the best it can be!  (If you have any suggestions on how to make it awesome, I'm all ears!)

Believe it or not, that's not even the biggest news from this end of things.  As many of you know, I had the pleasure of working with in Düsseldorf this year, and I am incredibly indebted to them for giving me the opportunity to work with them in Germany.  However, while I truly enjoyed reporting on breaking news and up-to-the-minute updates with Kaz, I've realized that my heart really does lie in more in-depth coverage.  Because of that, I am THRILLED to announce that I will be working in tandem with the folks over at during next year's event in Baku, Azerbaijan.  Fans who followed my goings-on in Germany may have caught a few of the lively morning podcasts that I participated in while I was out there, led by the irrepressible Ewan Spence...looks like I'll be participating in more of them!

In short, during the lead-up to Baku 2012, I'll be contributing to Insight by chipping in a number of articles, while maintaining the lion's share of my news and reviews here on Insider.  While in Baku itself, I'll be working hand-in-hand with Ewan, Sharleen Wright, and company in order to bring you the in-depth ESC goodness that you've come to expect from both of our sites (I'll still be contributing to Insider, though, much like I did while I was in Düsseldorf).  It'll be like chocolate and peanut butter, or like deep-frying and Mars Bars...two tastes that go even better together!

My first article is already up on Insight...check it out and let me know what you think!


  1. congratulations Samantha. All the best

  2. Wow! I'm so happy for you, Samantha. I bet you're thrilled to travel to Eurovision again. I can't wait to see you there and I will definitely follow you on ESCInsider and on EscInsight.
    I was a bit confused about this site though. So, you are going to start posting your blogs on or both?

  3. At this point, I'll still be posting here, until I get up and running. Afterwards, I think that if you log in here, it will re-route you to the new site? I'm still working it all out. ;)

  4. Want any help with web design? I am not great at it, but have had to do a lot with HTML/CSS and took an entire class on it :) Let me know if you want any help, I am looking to practice my skills!

  5. Congratulations :)
    First found your site from hearing you on the Insight podcast in Dusseldorf, so glad you'll be doing more of them!! Good luck with moving the site aswell :P


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